Sunday, March 28, 2010

I Love Daylight Savings

Every year we have this wonderful time of changing our clocks. For me, it allows me to have longer sunlight to do some of the things that I love best. One of those favorites in my life is going on bike rides in the afternoon. It tends to be a little warmer.

Well, last weekend my friends went to Moab and I wanted to go on a ride after work on Saturday. Got off work, drove home changed my clothes, threw my bike up on my car and took off. Drove up to Legacy Parkway to do a 3o mile out and back. I love this route because I can visit with Blair, Jody, Nate, Piper and Brody. They always bring a great smile to my face so off I went. It was exactly 5:45pm when I started.

I made it to Blair and Jodi's (15.1 miles) in one hour and one minute. I wanted to do it in an hour or under but it was good. Arrived there at 6:46. We chatted for awhile, Blair fixed my drink holder and I started heading back. When I put on my sunglasses it seemed a little dark. I kindly rejected an offer from the Searle's to take me back to my car. "No worries, it's daylight savings time."

Off I went to head back to the Legacy Parkway. I hit the Frontrunner Station in Farmington which means there are about 10 miles left, and the sun had gone down but it was still dusk. Now worries, it is daylight savings.

About 10 minutes later it was pitch dark. Now I am worried, "What happened to daylight savings time?"

Long story short, I made it back to my car thanks to lots of praying and some fast riding. It took me 56 minutes to ride back. That was a good improvement on my time going there. I guess when you ride in fear, you push yourself. Time finished? 8:49 I was in the car with the doors locked and the heater blaring. I did the 30 miles in 1hr 57minutes. AWESOME

Monday, February 8, 2010

First Ride of the Season

So, I got out on my bike for the first time in 2010. WOW, you sure lose your endurance over the winter. It was so awesome to get back out. We rode from 12100 South 1300 West out to Camp Williams and back, 15.31 miles in 1.04 riding time. It is uphill to Camp Williams so it was a great challenge first ride out. Only 2985 miles of training miles left before July 17th.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

For the Un-Love of Winter

Each year we know that winter will come. We live in a place that has 4 seasons, I choose to live here but there are times that it is a struggle. LIKE NOW!!!!

Typically the cabin fever doesn't start until the end of February. It is now January 14th and the Dreary Weather is weighing on my mood. Is this a sign of age or what?

I can't wait to get back on my bike. I finally ordered some winter tights and gloves for riding. I have to get out there and start riding, I have goals to meet.

1 - Complete the Seattle To Portland bike ride. It is about 204 miles of beautiful views and some challenging hills. Contrary to what some people think, no it is not downhill from Seattle to Portland. Yes it may look like that on a map, but it is not true. Training Plan = 2997 miles by July 17th.
2 - Ride 100 miles in the Little Red Riding Hood
3 - Ride 100 miles in the MS 150
4 - Hike Angels Landing in Zions - never been but I want to go this year.

Well, these are my words for today.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Slice of Cheesecake

Here is a slice of one of the 85 cheesecakes I made over the holidays. Cherry Chip with chocolate ganache in the middle and on top. Decorated with a chocolate cream cheese buttercream frosting.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Snowshoeing for the New Year

Big day of snowshoeing up to Donut Falls. This was a fun place to go back in High School. Of course back then, we went when it was warm. Great morning spent with awesome friends. My recipe for fun...A bit of outdoors, combined with friends makes a great day.

Ann McDonald, Aubrey Henderson, Meg Franklin and Me

The Beginning

So, here is the attempt to start a blog. New camera and new recipes, we will see what happens.